Premarket Predictions Project

March 2022-May 2022

I created a UI similar to financial websites such as that focuses on the premarket information to see if any trends could be found. Data was scraped from the internet and was stored into a locally hosted database. This project was part of my Database Management course (CMSC 461) and utilizes Django, Python, MySQL, HTML/CSS, and JS.

Source Code

Personal Website

December 2021

I created a basic personal website. The website was developed using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and Jekyll hosted via Github.

Source Code

UMBC Syllabus Synthesizer

October 2021-December 2021

This is a syllabus builder web-based application aimed to universalize, simplify, and reduce any redundancies in the syllabus creation process. This project was part of my Software Engineering Course (CMSC 447) and developed by Gerson Kroiz, Sam Bailor, Koby Samuel, Eddie Nieberding, and Deep Mistry. This project used Django, Python, HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap.

Source Code

SMC Data Challenge

June 2021-August 2021

Sander Schulhoff, Joshua Anantharaj, Nickolas Drake, and I designed a U-Net deep learning architecture for the data challenge sponsored by General Motors. We declined to present at their conference due to poor results based on industry standard. However, the project was good deep learning practice. This project utilized Python, Pytorch, Slurm, and LaTeX.

Source Code